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Phillip Hurt is Home after Gall-Bladder Surgery

(posted 5/22/2014) - Phil has just come home from hospital after an extended stay for diagnosis, then gall-bladder surgery and complications that kept him there almost a month.

His daughter Patsy says he is now in good spirits and appears to be recovering, though he is still on a liquids only diet and currently has a live-in aide, with nurse visits and therapist visits multiple times per week.

Pat and I will be visiting Phil and Patsy Sat-Tues (31st - 3rd) so I'll try to update this post after we get back. Let's all think of Phillip and wish for a fast recovery! Remember he is now the last of Tell and Pearl's kids and is the patriarch of our reunion!

Updated 6/6/2014 - Had a good visit with Phil, Patsy, and husband Donald in Houston. We visited all day Sunday and Monday with Phil. He had a feeding tube connected to his lower intestine to insure he was getting enough calories to rebuild his strength and was in the middle of transitioning to eating food (about 500-800 calories/day). He has so quickly improved that he is off the feeding tube now and taking all his calories orally! The tube is scheduled for out-patient removal on Monday the 9th.

Phil looked good and we enjoyed catching up with him -- he definitely is looking forward to flying in for the next reunion this fall. Patsy has done a great job as his advocate, and had arranged for a live-in care giver to handle things when Patsy couldn't be there. All in all we felt Phil was in very good hands and on the mend! Submitted by: Jon Wallace