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News Archive Item

Hurt Boys Photo

Submitted Oct 31st, 2002

Loistel Summerville recently provided an old family photo of some of the Brothers Hurt. I Thought it might be an interesting exercise to try and identify the son's of Eli and Nancy Jane Bryant - Hurt.

To make it easier, I'm including each brother's birth name (and nickname). I challenge you to try and match photo positions (upper left is number 1, bottom right is number 8) with a name. Post your guess in the message forum (use link above to enter your message or to look at other's guesses).

Here are the names (nicknames), which I hope I spelled correctly: Elmer (Tell), Andrew (Andy), Huldah (Huldie), Benjamen (Ben), Luther (Lule), Alva (Lowell) , Oswald (Pod) , and Jess (Jess).

Not everyone shown is guaranteed to be a Hurt Boy. That's the problem with old photos with no annotations! Click on the photo to see a larger version.